Tags: Life Sciences
New year, new policy: CPVO updates its public access to documents policy
The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) recently revised its public access to documents policy to align with the European Union (EU)’s evolving transparency standards. Effective since 15 January 2025, the new policy seeks to ensure broad access to all documents that the CPVO holds, while protecting private parties’ commercial interests. In particular, a system of prior confidentiality requests has been put in place for applicants of Community plant variety rights (CPVR).
European Commission proposes new PPP labelling requirements
On 6 January 2025, the European Commission published a draft proposal aimed at further harmonising labelling requirements for plant protection products (PPPs) in the European Union (EU). The proposal intends to repeal the existing labelling rules and introduce certain new requirements, including mandatory digital labelling. Since the draft proposal has not yet been formally adopted, some changes to the final version remain possible.
Pharma Law Seminar 2025
We are delighted to invite you again to our annual Pharma Law Seminar!
CJEU C-793/22 Biohemp – Indoor Cannabis Cultivation: The CJEU Weighs in
The Cannabis sativa L. plant serves a wide range of purposes, many of which are uncontroversial. It can be grown in the EU, in which context it is commonly called ‘hemp’. The plant notably produces cannabidiol (CBD), which the Court of Justice of the European Union has unequivocally ruled is not a narcotic drug. Nonetheless, some EU Member States remain reluctant to accept hemp cultivation.
Don’t let plant breeder’s rights steal your tasty Christmas!
Plant Variety Rights (PVR) are an important and perhaps lesser known aspect of intellectual property that can significantly impact the food and feed industry. You may have encountered PVRs in passing but never fully considered their impact. As the holiday season fills shelves with seasonal treats and festive feasts, it’s worth asking: does a food product infringe PVRs when processing protected ingredients? Does the PVR holder have a claim on the final product? Are you allowed to refer to a protected variety’s name in your product labeling?
Life Sciences Webinar: Prescription for Cyber Protection: NIS2 Compliance in the Life Science Industry
The NIS2 Act will apply in Belgium from 18 October 2024. This webinar considers the impact for the life sciences industry: Which companies must comply? What are the key obligations? What types of enforcement can be expected? Join us on 3 October for this information session.
Belgium gears up to enforce the EU Deforestation Regulation
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) was published on 9 June 2023 and came into force on 29 June 2023. Member States, including Belgium, must establish legal frameworks for enforcement.
EU Court of Justice interprets import ban on Chinese animal products: fish oil for feed is not an exempted “fishery product”
On 21 March 2024, the EU Court of Justice (‘CJEU’) handed down its ruling in case C‑7/23, concerning a dispute between a feed company and the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain. The parties differed in their interpretation of an EU import ban on products of animal origin coming from China. The Council of State sought the CJEU’s guidance.
CJEU balances strict obligations for wholesalers of medicines with proportional penalties
On 21 September 2023, the EU Court of Justice (‘CJEU’) handed down its ruling in the Apotheke B. case (C-47/22), and it is a good example of the high threshold set by the EU Court of Justice to uphold the Community Code’s main aim of protecting public health.
Agri-food Law Seminar 2024
We are delighted to invite you again to our annual Agri-food Law Seminar! Discover the seminar’s program here!
Hospital mergers no longer subject to the Belgian Competition Authority’s prior review
The legislator has now had the last word, by providing that, in principle, hospital mergers are no longer subject to the BCA’s prior review and approval.
Pharma Law Seminar 2024
We are delighted to invite you again to our annual Pharma Law Seminar!