Tags: Retail, Logistics & Mobility
A Step Forward in Green Marketing Regulation: EU Directives target greenwashing and strengthen requirements for the use of green claims and environmental labels
At a time when consumers have become increasingly aware of sustainability issues, it is sometimes difficult to find one’s way through the various green claims and environmental labels.
Franchise network benchmark: 5 principles to bear in mind for a good reporting clause
In this blog post, we highlight 5 essential principles that need to be taken into account when drafting a reporting clause for benchmarking purposes that would be considered reasonable, relevant and valid under Belgian law.
The Arbitrability of Distributorship Law Disputes in Belgium: a reversal of case law
On 7 April 2023, the Belgian Cour de Cassation reversed its long standing case law and decided that (from now on) disputes concerning the termination of exclusive distribution agreements are eligible to be settled by arbitration.
WEBINAR VIDEO | The N°1, healthy, rich in learning webinar about claims
During this session, Mathieu Maniet, François Lambert and Karel Martens discuss the rules for No. 1 claims, cosmetic claims and health and nutrition claims, and give you an overview of the most important issues as well as practical guidelines.
The N°1, healthy, rich in learning webinar about claims
Is your product a No.1 seller? Good for your health or rich in fiber? Does it contain no parabens? Do you want to shout it loudly from the rooftops or at least on your packaging?
Brussels Court of Appeal rejects Carrefour’s request to suspend the Belgian Competition Authority’s decision authorising the concentration between Intermarché AB and Mestdagh, including Carrefour’s ‘gun-jumping’ argument
On 23 December 2022, the Brussels Court of Appeal (“Market Court”) rejected Carrefour Belgium’s application for the suspension of the Belgian Competition Authority’s (“BCA”) decision of 9 November 2022 authorising the concentration between Intermarché AB (“ITM”) and Mestdagh.
New Royal decree introduces new provisions about sustainability and the requirements for advertisements of UCIs offered in Belgium
On 12 December 2022, a new Royal decree of 5 December 2022 (the “Royal Decree”) was published that introduces new rules for UCIs on two different topics: first, by implementing the European provisions on sustainability risks and sustainability factors; second, by providing a set of harmonising rules for the advertisements of UCIs offered in Belgium.
E-fulfilment: what is it and what to look out for?
Everyone knows what e-commerce is by now, but what about e-fulfilment? We explain below what this term means and what the points of interest are.
Are foreign employers who post workers to Belgium obliged to proceed with a DIMONA obligation: what has the Belgian Supreme Court said (or rather not said)?
In a ruling of 19 April 2022, the Belgian Supreme Court decided that an A1-certificate issued by a competent foreign authority to a posted worker does not exclude compliance with the DIMONA obligation.
Are you accountable for any human rights violations in your value chain?
Even though Belgium is lagging behind when it comes to enacting specific legislation, companies doing business in Belgium should be aware of the risk of being held accountable for human rights violations or environmental pollution up or down their value chain.
The Omnibus Act: more transparency for consumers
On 28 May 2022, the Belgian law transposing EU Directive 2019/2161 into the Code of Economic Law entered into force (the “Omnibus Act”).
Modernisation of consumer law through the harmonisation of contracts for the sale of goods
On 31 March 2022, a legislative Act that makes considerable changes to the sale of consumer goods was published in the Belgian State Gazette.